Where Are my Manners?!?

So I realized in my haste to get a blog post out there (I posted a pic on the gram and said that I'd have a post up on the blog that Friday to give details.  To say the pressure was on would be a f#ckin understatement)I did not really think the format through.  Now I don't mean technical things like layout, design or even the damn font.  I mean my format, how my brain works, the kind of format that helps you understand the organized chaos in my head.  So here's a little history on Mind, Body, Roots  (period is left off on purpose)

Dyan: Hubby, best friend, lover ; )
Firstly, my name is Antoinette, I'm a woman, a wife and a mother.  I have 3 beautiful children that you will hear about quite often and a husband that reminds me everyday why we are best friends first.  This is not my first blog but it is the first I am going to stick with.  Lol.  No, seriously I've had two other blogs in the past about the story of my life and the story just kept on changing and I felt like I had to keep editing my profile b/c the person I was becoming was not the same person who started the blog and aside from the fact of being exhausted to constantly change something I was also quite disappointed in myself that I felt the need to continue to change to fit the mood of some blog! Ahhhhhhhh!!! I know right, f#ckin crazy I was going (not sure why I just spoke like Yoda, but ok).  However, now that I have accepted the beauty and consistency of change, I accept it.  I look forward to the growth it brings and instead of running from it I will be blogging right along with it.

This is Pooh.  My silly silly baby.

Oh yeah, so I'm Antoinette and I love food.  I don't just love food like how a foodie loves food, I love food b/c it literally changed my life.  Food for thought and food for medicine are not just little phrases people say.  Now I can't go around saying I've "cured" anyone of anything.  What I can say is that my family and I have been on this lifestyle change focusing on what we put in our bodies first and there has not been a single negative response.  Not physically, mentally or emotionally.  What I mean is, if I ask "What's for dinner?" and the response is "Spaghetti and Meatballs" I don't just go buy spaghetti noodles, spaghetti sauce in a jar and ground something to make meatballs.  Instead, I ask myself what are the benefits this meal is going to have on our bodies and minds, what are the drawbacks, how can I increase the benefits and cutback on the drawbacks.  It's as important to me to know what each item will do if I put it in my body just as it is important to some to know what a specific medicine will do before you ingest it.  Honestly the concept is quite simple,  If it's good for me, it's good food.  If it hurts me or another, ehhh not so much then.  You can call me vegan, plant based, Sebian, alkaline vegan or a hippie, just don't say I never gave you some useful advice.
This is my Moo.  My feisty chocolate middle baby

Mind, Body, Roots was birthed from this lifestyle change.  We opened up our minds to what real food is, it changed our bodies to show us the benefits and now our roots are forever planted in this new way of life. We learned first about veganism, then alkalinity, then Dr. Sebi and maintaining our african bio mineral balance and most importantly I learned to incorporate all these diets and lifestyles in to my everyday life and my family's needs.  I figured out what works, what doesn't, what I can accept, and accepted what I could not.  Now instead of stressing over everything, I think about food differently, approach it differntly and I'm a healthier, happier person for it. Without losing any taste!  That part is equally as importatnt, I am after all still a foodie!

This is my Pumpkin.  Warm and sweet and my oldest baby.
Now some of you are probably thinking that this is a load of bullsh*t!  Honestly, 3 years ago I would have agreed.  I would have said some crap about the key to life is moderation and blah blah blah.  Three years ago, I realised I was wrong.  Sitting at the table eating chicken wings and ice cream cake for my daughter's 3rd birthday party I came across a facebook post about arsenic chicken and realized just how wrong I was.  That night flipped our world upside down.  Two weeks of Youtube, Netflix and random videos on animal rights, the food industry, the drug industry (by the way there is not much difference between the food and drug administration and if you think about it, there should be) and the lies of western medicine had our minds blown.  From the simplest facts that appalled our kids, (like some of the same ingredients listed in your house cleaner are the same as your favorite snacks) to the more complicated details that shocked us, (like just how much conflicting control the government) (not naming certain organizations) has over everyone).  The kids were disgusted with how many of their favorite snacks, labeled healthy or not were actually harmful.  My husband and I couldn't get over the corruption in the food and drug industry and just how much was being hidden or misconstrued to the public.  I personally was having a breakdown as I literally threw away EVERYTHING in the fridge and pantry wondering how could I have been poisoning my family for so long.  It was emotional, it was frustrating and it was an eye opener!  Three years later, we are still learning something new every day but embracing it, using it where if fits in our life and not stressing if it doesn't.
This picture is December 2016.  We have come a long way.  The grownups anyway.

Well that's it.  At least what I can think to fit in a post without turning it into a novel.  I just wanted to give you guys a feel for what to expect from this blog and the thought process behind some of these dishes.  My goal is to help others maneuver through this journey without losing yourself, breaking the bank and understanding these lifestyle changes.  After all the journey is much better traveled if you have a map and a guide.  Or some philosohical bullsh*t like that.  Peace Y'all.


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